In this syllabus there is a simplified approach to the measuring of pupils’ progress in RE. We have now moved beyond levels.
The Review of National Curriculum (2010-2014), led by Professor Tim Oates, was highly critical of the previous levels-based system. Levels have now been removed nationally to encourage new assessment models that focus on the knowledge-based curriculum, where students should learn fewer things in greater depth. However, the removal of levels left an assessment vacuum, which is currently being filled by a variety of new models and frameworks.
This guidance therefore aims to help teachers work with a framework that moves beyond the ‘levels’ or ‘can-do’ method to focus on assessing rich, deep learning and understanding of key knowledge in RE.
The standards to be expected in AMV RE are now expressed in terms of ‘Learning Outcomes’ for each key stage, including separate statements for the Early Years Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1, Lower Key Stage 2 (years 3&4), Upper Key Stage 2 (years 5&6) and Key Stage 3. These are to be found in the following document They are also included in the Programmes of Study where the relevant statements have been selected to fit each unit in turn.
At Key Stage 4 and Post-16, national qualifications are the main means of assessing attainment in religious education.
Objectives of GCSE Religious Studies
Although not all students will take a full or short course in religious studies, the knowledge, understanding and skills that pupils develop in their religious education programmes should contribute to that which is needed for GCSE success.
GCSE assessment objectives (AOs) are set by Ofqual and are the same across all exam boards. The exams measure how students have achieved the following assessment objectives:
For children with special educational needs, performance (‘P-scale’) statements are provided as a guide to progress – see link below.
The links below take you to the relevant documents:
Reporting on Standards in RE
There are no national statutory assessment requirements in religious education, but schools must report to parents on pupils’ progress in the subject.
It is important to note that not all aspects of religious education can be assessed. For example, pupils may express personal views and ideas that, although integral to teaching and learning, would not be appropriate for formal assessment. However, it may well be useful to report on pupils’ attitudes in RE.