Those engaged in detailed subject planning should make use of the learning outcomes in developing criteria suitable for different levels of progress. For children with special educational needs or disabilities the ‘P’ scales may be used.
A programme of study should be developed that identifies statements of attainment that correspond at least roughly to ages of pupils. This will provide RE with a structure and pattern of progress comparable to other subjects of the curriculum.
The journey, or pathway, of a pupil’s progress in RE might thus be related to a series of statements of expected attainment in relation to their understanding of:
- general questions of religion and belief;
- Christianity; and
- other religions and beliefs.
Teachers can use such statements to give feedback to pupils on how well they have done and what they need to do to make progress.
By the end of Year 6, for example, pupils should have built up a coherent picture Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism, recognizing the impact of religion locally, nationally and globally. They make connections between different aspects of religion and consider the different forms of religious expression. They consider the beliefs, teachings, practices and ways of life central to religion. They learn about sacred texts and other sources and consider their meanings. They begin to recognize diversity in religion, learning about similarities and differences both within and between religions and the importance of dialogue between them. They extend the range and use of specialist vocabulary. They recognize the challenges involved in distinguishing between ideas of right and wrong, and valuing what is good and true. They communicate their ideas clearly, recognizing other people’s viewpoints. They consider their own beliefs and values and those of others in the light of their learning in religious education.
They will thus be well prepared for the secondary phase.
By the end of Year 9, pupils extend their understanding of Christianity plus THREE religions/worldviews from Buddhism, Hinduism, Humanism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism in local, national and global contexts. Over Key Stages 3 and 4 as a whole, studies are made of Buddhism, Sikhism and a non-religious worldview such as Humanism. They also revisit prior learning in RE, applying their learning to the key themes being studied. They deepen their understanding of important beliefs, concepts and issues of truth and authority in religion. They apply their understanding of religious and philosophical beliefs, teachings and practices to a range of ultimate questions and moral issues. They enquire into and explain some personal, philosophical, theological and cultural reasons for similarities and differences in religious beliefs and values, both within and between religions. They consider how the media portray religion in the modern world. They develop their evaluative skills, showing reasoned and balanced viewpoints, when considering their own and others’ responses to religious and spiritual issues. They reflect on the impact of religion and belief in the world, considering both the importance of inter-faith dialogue and also the tensions that exist within and between religions. They interpret religious texts and other sources, recognizing both the power and limitations of language and other forms of communication in expressing ideas and beliefs.
They will thus be well prepared for GCSE studies.
Records of progress
It will be up to the teacher to say how well the pupil has shown their knowledge and understanding and what form of words to use to express this, e.g. ‘needs more practice…’, ‘is working towards an understanding…’, ‘has shown clear and repeated understanding…’, ‘is now ready to move beyond their understanding…’, etc.
Throughout, in order to make progress on their journey, pupils will have needed to have shown positive attitudes to their studies. Teachers should encourage such attitudes, through feedback in lessons, when marking written work, and in reporting to parents/carers on their children’s work in RE.
In some schools, pupils make a personal record of their learning journey in RE, keeping significant pieces of work, teachers’ comments and plans for further progress in a journal or scrap-book. In any such record, the learning outcomes or ‘P’ scales in this syllabus should form a fundamental feature.
For further guidance and examples of how to plot pupils’ learning journeys, from ‘Intent’ to ‘Implementation’ see here >>