G04 Resources: Top websites for RE and for religions and beliefs




You will have their own favourites, but here are some suggestions for a ‘Top Ten’:


  1. awarenessmysteryvalue.org – the agreed syllabus for RE in Bath & North East Somerset, Bristol, North Somerset, Haringey and The Isles of Scilly.
  2. reonline.org.uk – thousands of searchable RE resources and lesson ideas, including KS1 ‘Charlie and Blue’ film clips, guidance for RE subject leaders, and knowledge about religions and beliefs.
  3. bbc.co.uk/religion – Religion and Ethics, including new ‘iWonder’ content.
  4. bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/ – archived page, giving overviews of major world faiths.
  5. https://www.bbc.co.uk/education/subjects/zb48q6f – BBC Bitesize revision site for GCSE Religious Studies. See also for KS1: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/religions-of-the-world/zfxwpg8
  6. isyusaywesay – Bristol’s isay:usay:wesay project, exploring beliefs through art. All of the resources from the DVD are now available to download from the AMV website!
  7. truetube.co.uk – videos, lesson plans and assemblies for RE, PHSE and Citizenship.
  8. reqm.org/ – Religious Education Quality Mark – how to apply for the award – useful for RE self-assessment.
  9. ltlre.org – details of local hubs for all teachers of RE across the south-west, plus area events.
  10. natre.org.uk/ – National Association of Teachers of RE – includes details of the Spirited Arts competition.


Websites for specific religions and beliefs


Buddhism www.buddhanet.net Buddhist links across the globe, with guides to Buddhism.
www.clear-vision.org Exploring Buddhism through a wealth of audio-visual resources. This is an archived site.
https://thebuddhistcentre.com Introduction to Buddhism from the Triratna Buddhist Community (formerly Friends of the Western Buddhist Order).
Christianity www.request.org.uk Asking the ‘Big Questions’ – exploring the Christian faith – produced by Youth for Christ.
www.thebricktestament.com Bible stories told with Lego.

Some…. adult content!

www.biblegateway.com Look up Bible passages in many versions – and so much more.
Hinduism https://www.hinduismtoday.com/ Introductions to Hinduism by Hinduism Today: ‘created to strengthen all the many diverse expressions of Hindu spirituality’.
https://iskconuk.com ISKCON – the International Society for Krishna Consciousness in the UK and Ireland, with frequently asked questions and links to Bhaktivedanta Manor.
www.hinduacademy.org Jay Lakhani’s ‘Rational Hinduism’ site with links to Hinduism for schools.
The Mahabharata Guide to the Hindu Scripture – site located at Brown University, USA
www.bhagavad-gita.org Text of the Bhagavad-Gita
Islam www.islam.org Questions and answers, teachings, news and views from IslamiCity.
www.quranbrowser.org Explore the Qur’an, including Yusuf Ali’s classic translation.
www.britannica.com/topic/Islamic-arts Islamic arts and architecture.


Judaism https://jewishmuseum.org.uk Find out about Jewish artefacts and the Jewish Lives Project as well as various events and exhibitions in the UK
Something Jewish Guide to Judaism from a UK based Jewish community.
www.annefrank.org. To purchase “A Short Life of Anne Frank” DVD & virtual tour of the Anne Frank House.
www.torahtots.com American Site for Jewish children – puzzles! Games! Music! Fun!
Sikhism www.sikhs.org Sandeep Singh Brar Sikh information. Website including links to educational material, Sikh weddings, virtual tour of Golden Temple etc.
www.sikhs.org/english/frame.html English translation of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib, including a comparison of the different English translations.
www.sikhiwiki.org Sikh Encyclopaedia, with ‘Quote of the Day’, ‘Shabbad of the Week’, ‘Daily Sikhi News’ and much more.

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