This agreed syllabus includes the requirement for the teaching of a non-religious worldview, such as Humanism, specifically at Key Stage 3 or 4. But non-religious worldviews can be incorporated into the learning opportunities at all key stages.
Since the last version of AMV, many more resources for teaching and learning about non-religious worldviews have become available. Here are a few that will support good learning in the context of the AMV agreed syllabus:
https://understandinghumanism.org.uk/ The education pages of the British Humanist Association (BHA). Here you will find a guide to Humanism, ideas for teaching, including lesson plans, videos and other resources and a contact point for arranging a Humanist speaker to visit your class.
https://www.solarity.org.uk A set of 82 sessions written by the Sea of Faith Network (a non-religious network that explores religion ‘as a human creation’) intended for use by primary and secondary school teachers or youth group leaders wishing to run out-of-school-hours religion and philosophy clubs.
https://www.reonline.org.uk/resources/voices-from-humanist-worldview-traditions/ A humanist blog with reflections on how a Humanist lives their life.
A Humanist Contribution to the Programme of Study
Humanists UK has put forward a set of planning guidelines with ideas about Humanism that could be incorporated at each key stage. There is a wealth of ideas here, with links to teaching resources, built around the following questions (with potential links to the AMV units of study) and links to materials on the Understanding Humanism website.
To access online links and resources, see the resources section on the Understanding Humanism website: https://understandinghumanism.org.uk/resources/
Key Stage 1
Unit 1 Who are we ?
Unit 5 How do we celebrate our Journey through Life?
Key Stage 2
Unit 1 What is important to me?
Unit 6 How do we make Moral Choices ?
Unit 8 What do people believe about life?
Unit 14 What does in mean to be a Humanist?
Key Stage 3
Unit 1 What experiences and beliefs are important to me and to others?
Unit 2 Does our planet have a future?
Unit 3 Where are the answers to life’s big questions? [C&F]
Unit 6 How might beliefs affect my thoughts, ideas and actions?
Unit 8 What do people believe about life and the place of religion and beliefs within it?
Unit 9 What’s to be done? What really matters in religion and beliefs?
The full ‘Core Knowledge’ Guide can be downloaded here: https://understandinghumanism.org.uk/planning-guidelines/