Progression Journeys: from Intent to Implementation
The exemplar units of learning that have been developed for the AMV Syllabus provide a way of structuring the programme of study so that its aims may be fulfilled.
Ofsted says, “If leaders are able to show that they have thought carefully, that they have built a curriculum with appropriate coverage, content, structure and sequencing, and that it has been implemented effectively, then inspectors will assess a school’s curriculum favourably” (Ofsted, School Inspection Handbook, Updated 1 October 2021, Para 200).
The AMV Programme of Study may be structured in different ways, but following the exemplar units of learning, together with the AMV Learning Outcomes, can demonstrate progression in pupils’ learning in three distinct ways:
- Grid 1 shows how pupils build their knowledge, understanding and skills across the key stages in relation to the exemplar units of learning.
- Grid 2 shows how the basic structure of this Syllabus, built around the Six Areas of Enquiry (sometimes known as ‘golden threads’), are revisited across the key stages and with respect to different religions / worldviews.
- Grid 3 shows how pupils build their knowledge and understanding of different religions / worldviews in relation to the core and supplementary questions in the programmes of study for each key stage.
Schools are free to vary to order in which they structure the units of learning, and, indeed, to select different religious and non-religious examples to engage pupils in their learning.