G11 Information and Resources for Holocaust Memorial Day
G10 Understanding Christianity: matching with KS2 AMV units
G09 Understanding Christianity: matching with R&KS1 AMV units
G08 Materials used to Teach about World Relgions – Warwick University
G07 SMSCD – North Somerset
G06 Glossaries of religious terms
G05 Key Features of Each Religion at the Appropriate Key Stage
G04 Resources: Top websites for RE and for religions and beliefs
G03 Resources: Visitors and local places of worship
G02 Resources: Artefact collections
G01 Resources: Advice on selecting and using resources
F15 Guidance for Schools on Controversial Issues Relating to Faith and Culture
F14 Progression Journeys: from Intent to Implementation
F13 Guidance: Self-evaluation toolkit
F12 Guidance: Advice for Governors on RE & collective worship
F11 Guidance: Code of Conduct for Faith Representatives Visits and Visitors
F10 Guidance: REC Code of Practice for RE Teachers
F09 Guidance: Teaching Non-religious Worldviews in AMV
F08 Guidance: Support for teaching children with SEND
F07 Guidance: Support for teaching RE at Post-16
F06 Guidance: Support for teaching RE at Key Stage 4
F05 Guidance: Support for teaching RE in the EYFS
F04 Guidance: Curriculum models: Collaborative Learning in RE
F03 Guidance: Methodology & Pedagogy
F02 Guidance: Long-term planning and how to split units
F01a: Planning Steps for AMV
F01: Guidance: Planning Guides – Introduction
E06 Assessment Exemplar Template
E05 Exemplars: Assessment – KS3
E04 Exemplars: Assessment – Upper KS2
E03 Exemplars: Assessment – Lower KS2
E02 Exemplars: Assessment – Reception & KS1
E01 Exemplars: Introduction to the Assessment Exemplars
D06 Standards: Learning Journeys
D05 Standards: A Guide to Assessment for AMV 22
D04 Standards: Driving Words for Skills Progression
D03 Standards: Performance (P) Scales in RE
D02 Standards: The Learning Outcomes
D01 Standards: New standards for Assessment in RE
C08 Exemplars: Scheme of Learning – Blank Template
C06 Exemplars: Distinctively Local Schemes of Learning
C05 Exemplars: Schemes of Learning – KS3
C04 Exemplars: Schemes of Learning – Upper KS2
C03 Exemplars: Schemes of Learning – Lower KS2
C02 Exemplars: Schemes of Learning – Reception & KS1
C01 Exemplars: Schemes of Learning – Introduction
B12 Sample Curriculum Maps by Key Stage and Year Group
B11 Study units: KS4 and Post-16
B10 Study units: KS3
B09 Study units: KS2
B08 Study units: Reception & KS1
B07 Study units: Foundation Stage
B06 Overview of the Programmes of Study Units
B05 Attitudes in Religious Education
B04 Skills in RE and Essentials for Learning and Life
B03 Coverage of Religions and Beliefs
B02 Attainment Target and Areas of Enquiry
B01 Why AMV?
A12 Publishing information about the provision of RE on the school website
A11 Is your school compliant?
A10 Community cohesion
A09 RE and Inclusion: Religious & Cultural Backgrounds
A08 RE and Inclusion: Gifted and Talented (G&T)
A07 RE and Inclusion: Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND)
A06 RE and Inclusion: Intro
A05 RE & Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development & British Values
A04 The importance of RE: Aims, Rationale and Vision for RE
A03 Time for RE
A02e RE Checklist for Planning Post-14 Provision
A02d RE Checklist for Monitoring & Evaluating Provision
A02c RE Checklist for Managers, Planners, Teachers and Supporters
A02b RE Checklist for Managing the Right of Withdrawal
A02a RE Checklist for Governors & Headteachers
A02 Legal Framework, Rights, Responsibilities & Withdrawal
A01 Getting Started with Awareness Mystery Value 22 (AMV)